Eunice Wonderly Stackhouse piano lessons qualifications


Dr. Eunice Wonderly Stackhouse holds piano performance degrees from the University of Kansas (D.M.A.) and Indiana University (M.M.), and a B.M.E. degree from Grace College (IN). She was elected to lifetime membership in Pi Kappa Lambda Music Honor Society by the Indiana University chapter.



Dr. Stackhouse’s career began as a private piano instructor in Indianapolis, where she taught 30–45 students for 13 years with high retention rates, maintaining a waiting list of up to 60.  By now she has taught hundreds of students from ages 3–89 in private, group, and college classroom settings.  

Although she no longer uses the Suzuki method per seshe took the full 6 levels of Suzuki teacher training after earning her Masters degree, and most of her students in Indiana were Suzuki-trained. Her current teaching methods are still greatly influenced by that training– especially in her approach to teaching a whole-arm, relaxed hand technique;  in her belief that the ear plays an important role in both sight-reading and in playing musically;  and in her desire to ensure that playing the piano is a positive ex​perience for each student. 

Prior to her move to NC, she taught at several colleges in other states in adjunct or FT sabbatical replacement positions. In 2019 she retired from Montreat College, where she taught most of the Piano and Music Theory courses for 23 years, and had earned Full Professorship status with Tenure. She also served for several years as Chair of the Fine Arts Dept. and Director of Music Programs. She now continues to teach piano privately in Black Mountain, to adjudicate piano competitions and festivals, and to perform in various settings.


Dr. Stackhouse has been active in various music organizations and still belongs to the Asheville Area Piano Forum. She has performed extensively in solo and chamber recital settings, including solo recitals recorded and broadcast by WQED Pittsburgh and Radio Kansas. Her article on Louise Talma’s Soundshots was published by Clavier magazine in November 2002, and she edited the first publication of Talma’s Three Bagatelles in 2003 for Hildegard Publishing Co.

